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Wholesale Butzii Medium <br> (Minimum Order 10)Wholesale Butzii Medium <br> (Minimum Order 10)
Butzii - Air Plant Hub Butzii - Air Plant Hub
Butzii - Air Plant Hub Butzii - Air Plant Hub
Butzii - Air Plant Hub Butzii - Air Plant Hub
Wholesale Butzii Medium <br> (Minimum Order 10)Wholesale Butzii Medium <br> (Minimum Order 10)
Wholesale Butzii Medium <br> (Minimum Order 10)Wholesale Butzii Medium <br> (Minimum Order 10)
Wholesale Butzii Medium <br> (Minimum Order 10)Wholesale Butzii Medium <br> (Minimum Order 10)
Butzii - Air Plant Hub
Butzii - Air Plant Hub
Butzii - Air Plant Hub

Wholesale Butzii Medium
(Minimum Order 10)


DESCRIPTION: Tillandsia Butzii is another one of the more "wild" looking air plants. It is very similar in form to Bulbosa and Caput Medusae, but Butzii stands out from the others for its elongated, wispy leaves. Butzii produces a beautiful purple flower when in bloom, but typically stays a deep green color year round. Butzii have less trichomes than other air plants, thus requiring more humidity and less light than others. This is a good plant to keep around Bulbosa, Filifolia, and other medium-light plants. You will want to thoroughly dry Butzii after waterings. Avoid soaking this species, instead try quick dunks in water or misting.   

Butzii can be found in the wild from Southern Mexico down to Panama. It grows in a clumping form at elevations up to 2,300 meters.