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Curly Slim (Intermedia x Streptophylla)Curly Slim (Intermedia x Streptophylla)
Curly Slim 5"-6" (Intermedia x Streptophylla) - Air Plant Hub Curly Slim 5"-6" (Intermedia x Streptophylla) - Air Plant Hub
Curly Slim (Intermedia x Streptophylla)Curly Slim (Intermedia x Streptophylla)
Curly Slim (Intermedia x Streptophylla)Curly Slim (Intermedia x Streptophylla)
Curly Slim (Intermedia x Streptophylla)Curly Slim (Intermedia x Streptophylla)
Curly Slim (Intermedia x Streptophylla)Curly Slim (Intermedia x Streptophylla)
Curly Slim (Intermedia x Streptophylla)Curly Slim (Intermedia x Streptophylla)
Curly Slim (Intermedia x Streptophylla)Curly Slim (Intermedia x Streptophylla)
Curly Slim 5"-6" (Intermedia x Streptophylla) - Air Plant Hub

Curly Slim (Intermedia x Streptophylla)


DESCRIPTION: These are SO cute! You will notice that after watering, the curly slim’s leaves form into a straighter shape, but after they have gone without water, the leaves begin to curl in dramatically like in the profile photo. We recommend only watering this one ever 10 days or so to maximize the curly look.

AIR PLANT CARE: Just dunk your air plant in water a few times until it is thoroughly wet. After watering, set your air plant on a towel or in an area with good airflow for 3-4 hours. Once it is fully dry, you can return the air plant to its display. Repeat this process once per week. If your air plant starts to look dry and develops brown tips, try soaking the air plant in water for 30 minutes to revitalize it.